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simulation of a 3D cavity filter

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear All,
I need to simulate the filter behaviour of a free form 3D object. (Need to find the frequencies where it behaves like a band pass filter).
Which SW is the best for such a simulation? HFSS of CST AWR?
I draw the 3D object in another CAD SW. Can I Import it into the Simulation SW?
Thanx a lot.

How many resonators do your 3D object has as a cavity filter?

It has 5 resonators

HFSS can do the job of a 3D filter. But for 5 resonators, tuning is required. What kind of resonator configuration do you have? Is it combline? Waveguide? or something else?

It is a combline.

The 3-D simulation is mainly used as a tool to verifying your design. If you have designed the filter and just want to use 3-D simulation to verify your design, please go ahead. If you don't have the design of filter yet, you need design the filter first.

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