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How to Get 'Line of light' in Dispersion Diagram in HFSS

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

Anybody knows how to get 'Line of light' in the Dispersion diagram in HFSS? Can anyone provide the formula for it and explain the procedure to do it. I have got the complete dispersion diagram of my unit-cell structure but i am unable to add the 'line of light' to it which is very important in order to correctly figure out the Frequency Band gap.

Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.


the dispersion diagram can be calculated by yourself according to the formula. By the way, may I know how you get the unit cell dispersion diagram?Thanks!

The Dispersion diagram or the Line of light in the dispersion diagram can be calculated by the formula? Can you give me the Formula ?

k=2*pi/lambda; f=c/lambda, therefore f=c*k/(2*pi), c is the light speed in the vacuum.

Well i know this formula but this is not the correct way of getting the Line of light in the unit cell case as you need to look at the variation in the speed of light as it moves along the unit cell structure along 'Gamma to X','X to M' and 'M to Gamma' to cover the irreducible brillione zone region for unit cell structure. I am working on it. When i will get the correct way of getting the light of line i will post it here if you are still interested in knowing it.


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