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graph of reflection phase of amc

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
i am interested in finding the reflection phase change of AMC structure with changing angle of incidence.
and i want to plot a graph between reflection phase and angle of incidence of excitation .
i am using CST MWS.
if anyone knows how to do that in CST please post any comments, links or discussion related to this,it would be of great help to me and probably many other peopple as well



Did you manage your paroblem? because we work on the same problem. may be we can hel each other.


Use the unit cell boundaries conditions and put a a variable in phase angle (always in the boundaries conditions window).

Then set the port's reference to the surface of your structure.

Do a parameter sweep on angle withe the frequency solver.



This is my two exaples (!T and !F solver) would you please crrect it.
the resonance frequency in !T solver is 6.40GHz but in !F solver is 5.84GHz

i didnt saw any related variable related box (boundary condition box) to set the phase angle
am using cst2010
please help me, thx

---------- Post added at 13:22 ---------- Previous post was at 13:21 ----------

i didnt saw any related variable related box (boundary condition box) to set the phase angle
am using cst2010
please help me, thx

---------- Post added at 15:02 ---------- Previous post was at 13:22 ----------

never mine, i know where to search for it, sory for asking that question earlier. thx

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