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helix antenna prob. : hfss

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

im faced with the problem of simulating a helix antenna in hfss. i have created a valid helical antenna with ground plane and coaxial feed .but the actual simulation is taking a lot of time, and getting struck just after initial meshing.

so does anybody have any idea of how to reduce the simulation time and get it simulated sucessfully.may be i need to use any suface meshing approximation for the solid helical surface (i am in doubt).OR some other effective method.

witing fo ur replies

with regards

if you use 16 segments per turn and square section of wire, you obtain a very important reduction of time and memory use.
For example: I have used it in a helix antenna (bifilar helix, 2 turn)

tools helix: 2:30 hrs and 130000thetraedros
segment aprox : 0:02 hrs and 7000 thetraedros, with the same radiation pattern and the same impedance.


but i don't know how to assign, say, 16 segments per helical turn in hfss.

could u kindly tell me how to do that.

with regards

there two ways of doing it:

1) to create 16 square cross sections (without rotation) per turn and later to join the surfaces with 'unite' tool. select 'rectangle1' , 'rectangle2' apply 'unite', select 'rectangle2_1' , 'rectangle3' apply 'unite', etc.
The result is linear segments with square section with a helix shape. The position of the n-cross section is:
xn: r cos (Φn) r: radius helix Φn: 0, pi/8 , pi /4 , ......
yn: r sin (Φn)
zn: n*pitch/16 pitch: height per turn

2) to create 1 square cross sections and create a Line with segments (xn,yn,zn) and later use tool 'swep along path' to generate all the helix at once.

regards, Dante from (Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia)

i m phasing the problem to design helical antenna for 12GHz.may be due to some problem of calculating pitch. so pls will u tell me how to calculate?

Update to HFSS13...it handles these geometries very well!

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