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car mounted-antenna simulation

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello everybody
Fisrt excuze my english

I have to simulate an antenna mounted on a car. I have the .CAD file of the car and i have to draw myself the car in my antenna simulation software (Feko). Because i can't draw all detail in a cad file, what i want to know is depending of the frequency what are the revelant detail of a car for an electromagnetic simulation?
Has anyone experienced in this or know a paper or a website talking about this.

Please help me


i seen a simulation in CST that look like this on car and ship
but i want to add this i think not differ between u assume the effect of car or neglected it because car antenna is monopole and car effected as ground

Develop a patch antenna as ferdows suggests in CST or any other design tools the place the patch on the car an use bend option to for conformal patch antenna on the car and simulate

i cant understand clearly u mean
but if u patch has ground u dont net worried about u car effect

patch is not grounded its placed on a flexible substrate

Patch antenna for automotive applications?

For CAR EM systhesis use FEKO but for antenna mounted on car use patch antenna.
See i think there is an example simulation in FEKO web site that i have seen

Check out these two links with examples of automotive simulations using MoM:

EMCoS - Automotive EMC Simulations
EMCoS - EMC Studio - Examples

+ these papers could be interesting for you:
IEEE Xplore - Advanced computational techniques to simulate up-to-date automotive antenna EM/EMC problems
IEEE Xplore - Validation of Hybrid MoM Scheme With Included Equivalent Glass Antenna Model for Handling Automotive EMC Problems

It depends where your antenna is located. In the Empire example shown below, the windows have been modelled (er=4) because the antenna is so close. There is also some other CAD detail included that is less important.

In other cases, I have just simulated the antenna + roof of the car.

Hi Sosto,

perhaps this website may help you.

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