need ansoft designer for antenna slot waveguide
hi all.
I need your help here.
I'm designing waveguide slot antenna 9GHz frequency, but I was confused simulated using Ansoft HFSS.
I've been looking for his tutorials on its website, but there is no corresponding result.
if you anyone can help, please contact me.
thank you:
I need your help here.
I'm designing waveguide slot antenna 9GHz frequency, but I was confused simulated using Ansoft HFSS.
I've been looking for his tutorials on its website, but there is no corresponding result.
if you anyone can help, please contact me.
thank you:
Why do you need ansoft desiger for wavequide slot antenna? Ansoft designer is a planar EM simulator, not realy a 3-D tool.
I have seen quite a few tutorials for HFSS, which you have mentioned and I presume you have access to it, but nothing what you need.
Maybe there is a tutorial for another 3D simulator, like CST or similar, that you can use, at least for the start.
thank you. any body can help me again?
Well, you didn't answer to the question of fantomf4: why do you think you need Designer instead of HFSS?
I can not use the CST, my lecture suggested using HFSS. and I think, HFSS was pretty easy. anyone can help?