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female body 3d simulator

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

I think that the Sonnet broadband Spice model exports for Cadence Spectre and Pspice formats. I think their Pspice format also works for Hspice.

You can load any S-parameter data set into their broadband Spice extractor; it will even extract for a measurement data set. The source S-parameter data set doesn't have to come from Sonnet's EM simulator.


hello,everyone!I am a newer.Could you tell me where Ican free download the HFSS ?Thanks

Hi Max,

Yes, but HSPICE accepts in *.sp or *.inc spice netlist format, & I don't know whether such files are generated from that conversion...

Even standard PSICE format *.cir format also may not be generated...


FEKO for MoM and HFSS in FEM is good ... There is no one best tool .. There are good tools for specific applications


I am new...
is it possible to download free HFSS from anywhere....

need ur help guys.


not good to ask free hfss. the software is good and has its value.

true that selecting a 3D EM solution is related to your application, time you have to perform your study.

knowing quite a few, the one giving me good results is MICROSTRIPES that employs the Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) method to solve Maxwell?s equations in the time domain.

The TLM method time domain solver is accepted as being the most computationally efficient and inherently stable.

MicroStripes is ideal for solving extremely complex and electrically large problems.
spectrum of applications including Microwave and RF devices, antennas, Connectors, Numerical Dosimetry (SAR), High Frequency IC?s and package design as well as lightning strikes.
info : info@flomerics.com

hope this help

sonnet is very good, i know boeing uses this software for their development

Hi Dear coniglioe!

I myself use HFSS for radiators and 3D structures and I belive it is powerful enough to help, and use Maxwell control panel for 2D low frequencies structures.


Don't forget the Micro-Stripes Release 7.0
Flomerics Limited
It is based on TML,and fast than CST and HFSS.

Check WIPL-D software. It uses moments method to solve 3D problem. It is fast.



So many nice experience for EMW simulators. I got a lot! Thx!

HFSS .. but you need a powerful PC

Is it possible to export XFDTD human body model from XFDTD to CST or HFSS?

software 3D simulator:
4- Microwave office
5- Ansys
6- sonnet
ie3d is best.
instulation ie3d:
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6. Run ZPM again. It should avoid the false detection.
8. For technical support on the installation or using the software, please
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FEKO..FEKO is a full wave, method of moments (MoM) based, computer code for the analysis of electromagnetic problems such as:
EMC, shielding, coupling, antenna design, antenna placement analysis, microstrip antennas, and circuits, striplines, dielectric media, scattering analysis etc.
FEKO includes the Multilevel Fast Multipole Method (MLFMM) which is an efficient method for solving electrically large problems using the accurate full-wave (MoM) technique, but requires much less memory than the conventional MoM.

The MoM has been hybridised with asymptotic high frequency techniques, physical optics (PO) and the uniform theory of diffraction (UTD). This true hybridisation reduces the computational resource requirements, enabling the analysis of very large problems (e.g. antenna placement analysis).

The MoM/FEM (Finite Element Method) hybrid is a very efficient formulation for the analysis of inhomogeneous dielectric bodies

HI friends,

What free or commercial simulator I can use to simulator electrically-small antennas at low frequencies (140-180 kHz).

Thank you all.

What kind of antennas?

If they are planar (flat, with possible use of vias), there is a free version of Sonnet that you can use (I just saw a post where you can combine MATLAB and Sonnet Lite to get optimized patch antenna designs). Just google Sonnet Lite. There are also evaluation versions that you could get from the various vendors out there.

If your antenna is not planar, then you can't use a planar simulator. I recommend that for antenna design, you look for a time domain code (like FDTD, TLM or FIT based code); they are more efficient for large space problems like antennas than finite-element codes--especially if you need broadband performance.


The antenna ITSELF is 3D but can be simplified to 2D to save sim. time.

However, I'd like to simulate 2 antennas together in space. So although I simplified the antennas to 2D, I will simulate them at various positions in space, therefore I think 3D is required, correct me if I'm wrong.


If the antennas can both be simplified to planar, and if they are both on planes that are parallel, then you can use a planar EM solver. If they are separated by some distance, then the planar solver would probably be all the more efficient, since you only mesh the metal traces and not all of the volume of the problem.

However, if either of the antennas is tipped so that their planes are not parallel, then you need a full 3D approach, I think.

Good luck,


I agree with you that 3D is likely required.

The possible scenarios are:
1) antennas are not in the same plane (i.e.: one in horizontal, the other vertical plane).
2) antennas are horizontal but at different floors (as in a building)
3) antennas at different angle in 3D space.
4) etc, etc...

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