Slot antenna with more than 100% efficieny in HFSS
hello everyone,
I am trying to simulate a simple slot antenna in HFSS, but the gain for my antenna(~6db) far exceeds what was stipulated by theory(~2ddB). Worse still, the radiation efficiency is more than 100%. Could anyone kindly check out my attached simulation file, and please tell me what is wrong.
Thank you.
I am trying to simulate a simple slot antenna in HFSS, but the gain for my antenna(~6db) far exceeds what was stipulated by theory(~2ddB). Worse still, the radiation efficiency is more than 100%. Could anyone kindly check out my attached simulation file, and please tell me what is wrong.
Thank you.
i check u antenna but didn't have problem and i cant understand u problem
Did you check the gain and radiation efficiency of my antenna? The gain is far more than the normal 2.15dB of slot antenna. And the radiation efficiency more than 1. That is my problem.
i check u antenna in CST and its result as same as hfss and u result is true
What radiation efficiency and gain did you get when you simulated? I am getting an efficiency of more than 100% with HFSS. That cannot be true.
Thank you.
i have little knowledge about slot antenna . if u design it base on a paper?