I need HFSS for my final year project
u should be able to use autocad for your flare and import into IE3D. however if you want HFSS i suggest looking at their website finding the satellite office that is closest to yours and contacting them for a trial license. you would most likely have to coordinate this with your department or install on your own machine.
I don't think Ansoft ( or now Ansys) has a free student version for HFSS. They have free student version for Ansoft Designer and that too it cannot simulate complex designs.
Is that possible? Can u temme what taper profile equation should i use? I am a little clueless. This looks like a beautiful antenna but is quite new, so there's lack of enough material for it.
there is a ton of information available regarding vivaldi antenna. if i was to supply you with the taper, then i would be doing the project no :)
i dont think you will find this to be terribly difficult. you will simply experiment with the taper definition to see its impact on directivity and impedance.
best of luck