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method of moment program

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi every one . i m trying to simulate the coupling between an electromagnetic field and a line in PCB using CST and HFSS . does any body knows?
and also i m doing the model by using the method of moments in matlab to compare the results between this model and the simulation in HFSS and CST.
thnx for help

exactly, What is your problem?

studying the near-field coupling between PCB and electromagnetic waves by using the method of moments .i have to do a model of coupling between anelectromagnetic field and a printed circuit board with a numerical method MOM. so in the first time i need to do the program of the method of moment in matlab (model). than do the simulation with CST and HFSS .

thnx for helping

How complex PCBs you are going to test?

not complex . very simple PCBs . in the first time i m only interested in the transmission lines in PCBs

Are you familiar with SuperNEC simulator?
It uses the MOM and can be run through the MTLAB.

I m not familiar with SuperNEC. i didn t use it before

See this link:
SuperNEC - EM Antenna Simulation Software & Design

SuperNec Used fron NEC software that is based on thin-wire approximation of MoM. It is not suitable for modeling PCB at high frequencies.

Hi Hamidreza;
Do you know about GA in SuperNEC?

I think GA is abbreviation of Genetic Algorithm. It is useful for optimization.

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