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How do i match my stripline 90 ohms design with a 50 ohms connectors

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
can someone help out on how to match a 50 ohms impedance with a 90 ohms xteristics impedance for balancing.

Hi adexy,
you can Use qwerter wave transformer to match your 90 ohm stripline with a 50 ohm connector.

Vino is right. U can also use discrete reactive components. This will depend on ur wavelength. The solution is only valid for one frequency.

For broadband mathing you can taper your line (gradually increase it to a 50 Ohm width first before connecting it to your 50 Ohm connector) or use more reactive components

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Klopfenstein Taper - Microwave Encyclopedia - Microwaves101.com
Klopfenstein didn't try to name the taper after himself. He called it the Dolph Tchebycheff transformer! The timeless relevance of his work is indicated by ...
Klopfenstein Taper - Microwave Encyclopedia - Microwaves101.com


Refer the book "Microwave Engineering" by David M. Pozar 1) section 2.5 The Quarter-Wave Transformer page 73 and
2) Section 5 Impedance Matching and tuning page 222
Its very wonderful book for Engineers in RF and Microwave.

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