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A problem with WR90 in hfss pls help

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear friends

I try to simulate the attached pdf file but I face with a problem
I see strange shape when I want to plot the 4 Mode figure
I dont know what's the problem I think I can't exert excitation correctly
I dont know how can I define integration line correctly?!(in this tutarial has said that for 4 mode you should define 4 integration line but I don't know what shoud be thier direction!)
I think it's my main problem.
my HFSS version is 11 and I attached myself HFSS file that has stage plot of 4 mode.

I'll be glad if you help me.

with best wishes


its because of low number of frequency sweep. you should choose smaller steps to have better plot.
best regards
iman akbari

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