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Issues With CST Eigenmode Solvers

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Has anyone been using the Eigenmode solvers in CST MWS 2011? Successfully?

I wanted to check out the new solver that uses a tetrahedral mesh, so I simulated a helical resonator with it, thinking a helix would be a good structure to test tetrahedral meshing.

After about 30 minutes of spinning its wheels, the application used up my 4 GB of RAM and self-aborted.

What a joke.

Then I tried the same problem with the "AKS" solver (hexahedral mesh). With only low to moderate memory usage, I got a quick solution to the problem in only a few minutes. Unfortunately though, the frequency of the lowest order mode was off by 2 orders of magnitude.

Then, without changing anything, I switched to the "JDM" solver, and finally, I got what looks like the correct solution.

Anyone else have a similar experience?

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