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Simulating monofilar helix in WIPL-D

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Does anybody work with WIPL-D? I have been trying to simulate a monofilar helix and I would like to know if WIPL-D gives any information about axial ratio. If it is so, where do I have to search?
Thank you in advance.


I didnt used it,but
I think it will be related to patternview something like that.......

Hi balaguru thavamani,
thank you for your answer, what I am looking for is some way of obtaining information about polarization and I have no idea of how to do it. In fact, I have no idea if polarization is available in any simulation software.
Thank you very much.


hi clara,

i dont know about other simulators but in IE3D there is an option for viewing LHCP and RHCP.we can view frequency vs Axialratio also.

to be frank enough there is no much explanation in WIPL-D manual which i'd went through for 2weeks.I was totally frustated with that s/w

Hi balaguru thavamani,
thank you again. One more thing, you seem to know about WIPL-D, do you recommend it? al least for some applications? I guess that maybe is good for some specific use. The thing is that I have to give some final report about this software and I can say lots of disadvantages but only a few advantages...


hi clara,

i wont recommend bcoz its not user friendly when compared to others, like IE3D.
To learn WIPL D itself difficult then how we can implement?
There is no step by step explanation(procedure) in manual and also only few examples too.......
I personally feel that it is easy to learn IE3D when compared to WIPL-D.

Better you can try some other .

There are a variety of ways to study the polarization of an antenna. HFSS has features to look at the antenna response vs. particular polarizations. The resident post processing is pretty good.

Have you considered actual measurements? Again there are a variety of techniques.
vertical, horizontal,and rotating linear plots give you a good picture of the antenna's polarization features.

I find this reference particularly useful:

Polarization in Electromagnetic Systems (Artech House Radar Library)

Polarization in Electromagnetic Systems (Artech House Radar Library) by Warren L. Stutzman (Hardcover - Dec 1, 1992)

Amazon has it in stock for S85

I want to tell one thing.I have used wipl-d and ie3d both.I simulated some of the designs in papers and one thing I noticed is that IE3D does not give accurate results when it comes to finite thickness patches.When it comes to infinite thin patches the story is other war round.I dont have any explanation and my guessing is based on the simulated results and results of papers.
If anybody can tell if to get accurate results for finite thick patches in IE3D,i would appreciate.I have been using "grow metal thickness on layer" to create metal thickness in IE3D.

Hi, premag:

IE3D's finite thickness modeling is actually very accurate. It is confirmed extensive by designers in Triquint, Freescale, Intel, Broadcom and Lucent, etc.

If you don't get good results, please don't get good results, please send me the files and I will help you. Regards,

Hi jian,
Is my approach of developing metal layer is correct?
I am using ''grow metal layer ..." option which comes in layer window when right clicked over any polygon.Type of metal is defined in basic parameter dialog box.
Also one constraint with my IE3D version is that it cannot simulate finite dielectrics.But i dont think that is causing much error because anyways my substrate is air.
I will get the files to be checked by you soon.

Hi jian
This is the geo file I simulated.

Hi, premag:

Your IE3D thickness model was not built properly. If you consider it as infinitely thin, the finite GND is on z = 0 and the patch is on z = 6.7. You can build your probe from z = 0 to z = 6.7. However, when you build the finite thickness model, your gnd is from z = 0 to z = 2 and your patch is from z = 4.7 to z = 6.7. You need to build the probe from z = 2 to z = 4.7. The probe in your model is from z = 0 to z= 6.7 and it may not yield the correct results.

I corrected your model as attached (*_r3.geo). The antenna has an excellent but resonance at 0.88 GHz, which I believe is what you are trying to achieve. The bandwidth is very narrow due to the circular polarization scheme.

Any question, please let me know.


Hi Jian,
This certainly gives better result but now also it is not accurate enough.I am attaching the paper which shows this design.It says that antenna resonates at 911MHz.
But,you pointed out the blunder which I was doing.Thanks a lot for that otherwise I would have fabricated the probe from 0 to 6.7mm.

Back to square one
I found a method to see the axial ratio in wipl-d.Please comment whether I am write or wrong.
Go to output and see the radiation pattern.There on the right side of screen you have an option for (e) which measures the eccentricity.Now you have an idea that eccentricity is given by √(1+(a)2/(b)2). while axial ratio is (a/b).
Now a/b to be 3 dB is (a/b) to be maximum 1.995 so see the frequency range giving e b/w 1 and 2 that is your axial ratio bandwidth.

Added after 14 minutes:

There was a mistake:
I guess that axial ratio is 20log(Emax|Emin)
And hence the range of ellipticity should be looked between 1 to 1.732.

I also found a method to look for the axial ratio in IE3D.It is pretty straight forward.You just make sure that while simulating you check the check box near radiation pattern.It will ask you for the directions along which you want to measure the radiation pattern.Select the required directions.Now after simulation it will generate the .pv file.Right click and you will get various options like axial ratio,RHCP ,radiation pattern etc etc..


can you provide more information on your model with infinite ground in WIPL-D that you say was inaccurate? How large was the discrepancy?

will u plz help me regarding wipl-d

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