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floquet ports

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I want to know how I can I use the periodic boundary but also use a floquet port so I can change incident angles. (The excitation is plane wave)

like the example in the link here:


Thanks! (If anyone has made this kind of simulation could upload your structure, that would be very helpful!):D

try look for that title in that site
i already upload it

Hi abdoeng, thanks for your reply, but which title and which site?.....
could you give me a link? THANKS!


The phase different between master boundary and slave boundary determines the incident angle. For example phase difference 0 (both in x directed and y directed x master/slave pairs) means normal incidence.

I am using HFSS for UNIT-CELL simulation.
I want to know how to change the incident angle of plane wave in Floquet port.
I will be great full to you if you suggest

In the Floquet port wizard, check the "use scane angles to calculate ..." you can set incident angle, phi and theta, respect to the global coordination system

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