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some questions about photonic band calculation ..

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
the origin reference paper is:
Phys. Rev. B 60, 2610?2618 (1999)
Scattering-matrix treatment of patterned multilayer photonic structures

i try to reproduce its results using matlab.
the first problem is :
no matter which matlab function 'eig' i use, eig(M) or eig(M,

,"qz')(because M is an asymmetric matrix), to sove the equation 3.7 or 3.8,the resultant eigenvectors automatically satisfy the orthogonality relationship

,rather than equation (3.9)


another problem is how to rescale the frequency

and lattice period




(the parameters at right hand side of equations are all in SI (international system of units))

rescales to 1?

help please
上一篇:Modal analyzis in Coventor

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