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Problem in Maxwell 14 3D

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

Try to make a simple model in Maxwell
In 3D I have two cylinders on a common axis Z.
Outer cylinder is made of copper and is a coil.
Inner cylinder is made of ferrite and it's core.
But I can not create a "conductor path."
I tried Rectangle (circle) which crosses the coil
in the direction of the longitudinal and lateral path but I still unable to create a path.
Can someone advise what is the problem?

Thank you.

Can you give more details about your problem?

Once you've created the cylinder, you must create inside this cylinder a 2D rectangular shape on which an excitation should be applied.

To doing so simply right-click on your cylinder in the hierarchy view (or in the 3D view) and Edit->Surface->Section. Select the plane on which you want to create the 2D shape. A new geometry will be created as a sheet containing the two cross-section of the cylinder depending on the selected plane. You must then separate these geometries by right-click and Edit->Boolean->Separate Bodies. Delete one of them. You can then apply an Excitation on this surface. Note that it isn't necessary to set an excitation to show the conduction path.

Don't forget to set the coil material as a conductive material. Check the Bulk Conductivity parameter of your copper material. The conduction path can be seen only for material with a Bulk Conductivity >= 1.

Furthermore, the conduction path does not apply for electrostatic solution type. Select rather Magnetostatic or Eddy Current in the menu Maxwell 3D->Solution Type.

上一篇:mimo precoding

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