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Duplicating in HFSS using a Variable

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,

I am attempting to duplicate a cylinder down a line, and it would be very useful to me if I could make the duplication number a variable so I can modify it later. Does anyone have any idea how to do this?

Thank you!


Its Quite Simple,when you do a duplicate of the cylinder,do not insert the variable in the first place. once you have the value inserted and the first cylinder duplicated,go to duplicate along the line and change the value to the variable and it will do the trick for you.Make sure when you set up the variable have you units down as well.

hope that helps


I'm not really sure what you mean by "go to duplicate along the line" ? Isn't that a step in setting up the duplication? All I can see to do, is edit the properties of the duplication. When I do this, I cannot double click to change the number of duplications in the same way that I can with the line parameters for example.

Thanks again,

i meant under the duplicate cylinder you will see the duplicate along the line option,change the properties there,you should be able to do it.i guess i am not able to make sense to you? otherwise its one step process.do you want an sample file to check it out?


Yes I'm sorry I'm afraid I don't understand what you are referring to specifically. I do not see any place I can change the number of duplications before or after defining the duplication.


I have a version 13 of HFSS. i am afraid if you dont have 13 or higher i wont be able to help you coz hfss isnt backward comaptible.

Yes I do have version 13. Can you send me the simple example?

Thank you!

Here's an example.find it zipped.change the value of Sl to see a change in the duplicated rectangle.

Let me know if it was helpful



Well unfortunately it seems like you and I have been talking about different things. I would like to make the NUMBER of duplications a variable...So I can change it from, for example, 10 duplicate cylinders to 15 duplicate cylinders. The variable you have defined changes the DISTANCE between the duplications... But thank you for your responses.

Thank you

Well i am really sorry my friend.

But unfortunately as far as i know it there might not be a direct way of doing it for sure with the variable.All the best


No worries... this is easy to do, just not overly obvious ;) When you duplicate along a line, a dialog pops up asking you the total number of objects. Beneath that is a box labelled 'attach to original object'. If this is not selected, then there will be x number of objects created individually with individual properties. However, if you select this box, the total number of objects can be parameterized. Note, you will have to enter a number in the dialog box for the number of objects and then go back as rotman was mentioning to the geometry tree to change the number to any variable...

Have fun

Thanks a lot tallface,

do you extensively work with HFSS, you have such intricate answers all the time.

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