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How do I know if HFSS is using more than 1 core?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I've a computer running HFSS with 4 cores and 8 threads. The task manager in Windows XP Pro 64-bit shows 100% CPU usage, but the machine is barely getting warm, and the fan is running slowly. I'm convinced the simulations are not putting much load on the CPU, since otherwise the fan speed would rise. I don't know if the task manager in Windows is based on just a single CPU. Windows sees 8 processors.

I don't know if the HFSS license is just limited to one core or not. Does anyone know if there's anywhere in HFSS or the license file where one can see if a license only uses one core?

HFSS is supported on 64-bit XP.

I found the answer to this, which I'll write in case anyone else hits the same problem.

Under Tools -> Options -> HFFS Options, you can select the number of processors for for the solver (Solver tab) and Post Processing (General tab). If you select the number to be more than 1, and you only have a license for 1, you will get a warning message when doing a simulation, and HFSS will only use one core.


Also, be aware that HFSS does not utilize hyperthreading as hyperthreading is designed to allow multiple, relatively low RAM programs, to run in unison. However, one can turn off hyperthreading in the BIOS and the solve times will be identical.

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