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How to read the data file '.*mat' file generated from FEKO

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello, every, can you help me on the following questions?
a) How to export the [Z] matrix from FEKO, and then read the matrix elements by our own developed code, such as matlab and Fortran. Or, how can we open and look the data saved in the *.mat file generated by FEKO? Because I found the *.mat file was a binary compressed file, whenI opened it, it is nongthing but messy code.
b) How to get the far-field radiation patterns and surface current distributions over an antenna if the coefficients for the basis functions are available from our own developed code, and how can we display these results by POSTFEKO?

Could you give me some help on these issues?
Thanks a lot!

on how to read a .mat file onto matlab,you need to import it from matlab workspace and assign it to a variable.i have not used FEKO so can't help on the other issues.

Check :

Hi, Kaushik1411,

Thanks very much for your help. Actually, the .*mat file is not the one means by matlab, I have tried to read the data saved in my .*mat file using matlab, but it fails.

thanks again for your help!

Hi, iiMKL,

Attached is a .mat file generated by FEKO Suite 6.1, I have tried the method you supply, but it seems the method provided still fails, can you please help me to check the problem?

I'll try.
a) What platform coding do you have?
Is your FEKO 32 or 64 bit ?

b) If you use the same base functions as FEKO you can create your own .str file and run FEKO.
Approach is similar to http://www.feko.info/support/helpcen...-modes-in-feko

You can calculate far-field by your own software but it's unclear how to visualise them in POSTFEKO.
Becouse POSTFEKO use .bof files . .bof is binary file with unknown internal structure.

Hi, iiMkl,

My FEKO is 64 bit,
My problem is that I cannot read the data from the *.mat file, also, I don't how to creat my own .str file. All these problem due to the fact that th .mat file, .str file in FEKO are binary file, and we don't know the internal saving format of these file. So that neither can we read the data from these file, nor can we write the files.

If possible, could you give me some help, thanks a lot!

A Merry Christmas to You!

Hi, yikai,
You should use mat2ascii to convert binary .mat file to textual representation.
You should use str2ascii to convert binary .str file to textual representation.
You can download them from http://www.feko.info/support/helpcen...nd-.str-files/ or from Download mat.rar for free on Filesonic.com (downloaded from feko.info for convenience)
Result of applying mat2ascii to your example (Example8.mat) is Download example8.mat.rar for free on Filesonic.com .

Good luck!


I am indeed very appreciate your kind help, and I am happy with the news that you have successfully read the data from my file.

There is still a small problem, since I cannot extract the files from the .rar files I downloaded from your links. It indicates that the files are destroyed. So could you please send the original files to me by email? Thanks a lot!
My Eamil address is 2533056260@qq.com

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