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cadence pcb si

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, bros
As we know, now in industry, we have several PCB SI parameter modeling/extraction/simulation solutions, for example:
Cadence PCB SI solutions (SpecctraQuest)
Ansoft AnsoftLinks+Q3D+HFSS+Designer+SIwave solutons
Synopsys HSPICE
Agilent ADS
Mentor Graphics ADMS

Previously, I was using Cadence SpecctraQuest, which is using PSPICE inside for modeling and simulation. It is very quick, but sometime, not so accurate.
Now I am going to choose some other solutions for the next step work and research.

so, have you comparied these solutions? or you can figure out their advantages and disadvantages, especially for PCB level SI modeling/extraction/simulation.
or you have some suggestions for me to step further.

Captain Hook


Here are my comments...

Cadence PCB SI solutions (SpecctraQuest)
No Frequency domain solver (Harmonic Balance) & No Electomagnetic Simulator (MOM) which required for critical signal integrity analysis....no distributed models

Ansoft AnsoftLinks+Q3D+HFSS+Designer+SIwave solutons
Ansoft has all but limitations in Layout& Schamtic simulations..
Again apart from EM solvers it lacks accuracy or covergence of Circuit or spice solvers...No industry standard HB or Spice simulator

Synopsys HSPICE
Good for transient simulations...No layout tool or environment

Agilent ADS
This is not a complete SI tool, it is only a EM SImulator & HB...Again lacks layout environment even though it exists it is not powerful...
Lacks lot of signal integrity toools

Mentor Graphics ADMS
Good SI tool but limited to PCB designs upto 800MHz...no distributed models
Again lacks frequency domain & EM simulators...

Sigrity Speed 2000
again it lacks Frequency domain analysis capability...no distributed models

One more new addition to this is AWR SI Design environment..
which as built in HSPICE, good HB, EM & Layout environments for complete SI solution for high frequency PCBs...


Hi, manju
Yes, your answers are quite brief and accurate.
search on google, find some docuements, seems like that AWR can do everything. System deisgn, parameters extraction, layout, simulation&analysis... amazing...
let me get some more information about it.

Thanks for your information.

I'm using Ansoft Q3D, 2D extractor and HFSS to extract the via and transmission line models into a *.sp or *.RLC file that I can load in my HSPICE netlist along with the aproppiate IBIS models and exite them. when I have to correlate my results with the measured with the osciloscope I looked pretty much the same. know I trying to get a Ansoft Nexxim Designer to see how does that tool from ansoft works, I've heard you can put your whole topoly in there and perform the simulation in a graphic eviroment and saves lot of time. hope this helps


Sentinel-NPE is also good for rlc, spice, and ibis model extraction.

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