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Design of a high-gain cavity-backed slot antenna with mushroom cells and bent ground

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello Everyone
I have chosen this project :DESIGN OF A HIGH-GAIN CAVITY-BACKED SLOT ANTENNA WITH MUSHROOM CELLS AND BENT GROUND WALLS . . . I donot know hfss software i read the user guide manual v10 and designned slot patch antenna Can u please tell me how to design for our required parameters and how to design mushroom cells i need to see the mushroom cells in hfss and i need the details about the what and why's of mushroom cells Please help me this is my final year project

If you Google:

mushroom cells antenna

you will get more 1 million hits. As part of your final year project, you shuld be looking at the published literature on things you don't understand. Much of it will probably be in the IEEE Antennas and Propogation journals. So that should answer your questions about mushroom cells, which I must admit I'd never heard of before.

Take a look at this paper
which I found with a couple of minutes in Google. It seems to cover how to use HFSS, and particularly mentions mushroom cells. I've not looked at the paper in any detail, but I suspect it will be worth your while looking at it.

What's the title of your final year project? Do you have a description of it?

I assume your uni has a license for HFSS. In which case, can't you get them to upgrade to the latest version, which is 13 or possibly 14 now? I was told 14 would be released at the end of November or the beggining of December, but I have not seen any announcement. Otherwise, if anyone on here sends you an HFSS file to look at, you probaby wont be able to open it in your old version of HFSS.


Thank you DeboraHarry for the reply
I have the file which u have sent there they have not given the steps to design it in HFSS .
I worked out Slot Coupled Patch Antenna given in the manual .Like that i need the steps to design cavity backed slot antenna qas given in the paper that i have atached Please tell me where to find about cavity backed slot antenna other than antenna theory website .

give the steps to install HFSS 11in windows 7.

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