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sonnet error:Failed to find font

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Error information shows as follow:
Category: Correctly request opertion failed
Functionvt_dwin_getfont_metrics xvt_app_create
File:./kfont.c line:890

I have installed the NX machine font ,like 75dpi 100dpi and so on,

what is the problem?

thanks in advance!

I have also seen problems like yours with some unsupported Linux configurations.

As a starting point, see "Font problem with remote display on Linux"
Dr. Mühlhaus Consulting & Software GmbH ? Sonnet Professional 13.52 Known Issues

You wrote that you have already installed the optional NX fonts (all?), so that parts seems ok.
Maybe you should contact Sonnet support, and include as much detail as possible on your client/server configuration.

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