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help needed in calculating polarizability

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

I want to find the polarizability of a dipole for an external electric field using HFSS.
please help me if you can.

I've never come across the term 'polariizability' before. But a Google found this

Polarizability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and unless I'm very much mistaken, HFSS will be of no help whatsoever to you.



Thanks, I also think so . what about dipole moment? If dipole moment can be found then it is quite easy to find the electric polarizability.its surface current /j* 2*pi*frequency.
But I am not quite handy with the field calculator. can you help me? Also I need to tune a load in between the arms of a dipole antenna. I dont know how to do so.

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