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cst antenna simulation

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,
I'm working on UWB antenna, I decided to simulate an article with HFSS and CST.
results of HFSS and CST are similar but different from Article.
Plz help me, what's problem?

check your HFSS model, wave port area of your HFSS model isn't correct defined!

Hi seqc1712,
what's problem?

What the thickness of dielectric substrate?

it's 1.5mm.

OK, and what is W1 value?

Added after 35 minutes:

And is there specified in article which dielectric parameters were used in FR4 material properties? Under naming 'FR4' one can supose quite wide range of epsilon and dielectric loss parameters to use in simulation model.

If you could attach the article itself that would be most useful.

this is Article


I dont know, where is the problem exactly. Article and simulation are very similar.

Try in CST use "adaptive mesh refinement" in "Transient Solver parameters" and you can see, that accuracy will be change.

what about the connector you need it for measurement
did you simulate it with the connector?


Hi plasma,
No, I didnot. how do it?

you have to build connector I think SMA connector fit to this patch.

look at http://www.conec.com/section24/s1/sma.dimension.php3
and http://www.conec.com/section24/s1/ne...art=1-24&dia=1

this one SMA-50SAG6199BRX (you can cut the pin.)


Attached are results of Method of Moments simulation of this antenna.

Chaning dielectric permittivity resonances will shift (used 4.7 is just approximate value from datasheet, while in reality at measurements there might be used anything in range 3.5-5.0 probably). Also losses will change the values level. Accounting of connector sure will add more details.

Hope such additional results will be useful for you.

Thanks E-M-C
it's useful and show that my simulation was right.
I add Coaxial cable to my model and my result become better (thanks Plasma).
my experience show for simulation of UWB antenna cable effect must be considered!
but yet my result is not exactly results of Article.

I think if authors were using some specific feed-models - connectors/cables - they would include at least corresponding note in the article.

The difference you observe is caused more probably by calcualtion settings, meshing or somethign like this. With including more details you should get closer to measurement results (describe more resonances), but anyway it is quite difficult to simulate exacty measurements performed by another people - there might be many uncertainties in real antenna, when you can not touch it yourself it is very difficult to reach exact match.

sahello every body i have realized projet like this one but the resultat are incorrect pleazz can you send me you project pleazz

hi plasma
I have designed dipole antenna using cst. I also want use SMA connector to feed this antenna.
I have gone through that link which u post above. there are lots of SMA connector.
Which one is best and how it can be connected to dipole?
Is there any insulstion material in between inner and outer conductor?

thank you

can any one sent simulated uwb circular disc monnopole antenna plzz.

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