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surface roughness Groisse model

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello all!
Am modelling planar surface characteristics with some surface roughness using HFSS V 14, Groisse model at 30THz.
In the set up, there is a check box for layer thickness. What layer does this refer to? Am using the finite conductivity set up.


At 30 THz, the Groisse model may/may not be valid. You may want to implement the Drude model as it is better representative of the dispersive loss characteristics of metals at higher frequencies. Contact you ANSYS AE and request the Drude Model material script. This is a script written by one of their AEs that creates a Drude metal in the material library based on the input of mean collision time and the DC conductivity.

Have Fun!

PS the layer is just defining thickness of the metal as for thin metal you may have a field distribution within the cross section of the conductor due to the skin depth effect and this layer correctly captures the true loss as a combination of AC and DC effects, if you will.

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