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probleme dataset ads...

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
in ADS momentum
I simulate a design that has a name, for example (patch1)
when I run the simulation , and after obtaining the S parmetres , dataset will have a different name by default, when i go to data (users/default/project/data) and I delete the name that appears by default
it does not change after resimulation !

I want me when I simulate (patch1) I would have in the parameters s (patch1) ,so I can easily add in the same graph parameters s other graphs that interest me

how do i?
and what is different between , (file.ds) and (file.dds)


.ds are the simulation results from a design
.dds are the settings of the data display window

thank u very much voller...
if I want to calculate the bandwidth a-10dB (exactly) ,
because when I do it by moving the marker, I do not fall exactly a-10dB, and it is not accurate when I make a comparison between different graph, for example in a graph I'm in -10.01dB, and in other -10.95dB
how do i?

I would create a new simulation schematic with the S2P pointing to the existing data (existing simulation results), and define a sweep with more frequency points.

Now, you also need to change the interpolation settings. In the "Interpolation" settings tab of the S2P element, change the Interpolation Method from "Linear or 0" to "Cubic Spline or 1". I think this should work to give you useful interpolated data points.

sorry volker
if you want
what is s2p ...

S2P is the data block to include 2-port s-parameters (from Momentum or external Touchstone files) in a schematic simulation.

I suggested that, so that you don't have to repeat Momentum analysis with different frequency settings. Instead, you can take the existing results into a simulation schematic and interpolate with more freqency points.

ok thank u volker
but there is no touchstone in momentum!

But there is the Momentum dataset (*.ds) which you can insert with the S2P block (or S3P for a 3-port, S4P for a 4-port ....)

thank u

please ,be patient with me...
I created the file (my_design.s1p) (i open data display(in momentum) , 2*tool---3*data file tool---write data file form dataset)
now ,I have a file(my_design. s1p) in data...
Now , sincerely I do not know what to do with this file(.s1p)

and how does this relate to what I did, and what I want as result (have the ability to indicate with the marker point-10dB in the graph of s11

thank u and sorry...

volker exxcuse me :::my english is bad :)

I will try to explain again.

Create a simulation schematic with a "S1P" block. This points to your Momentum results.
You don't need to convert your Momentum results to Tochstone s1p.
Instead, you can also use the *.ds results from Momentum directly - see "File Type" setting in the dialog box.

Now, place a S_PARAM simulation control and set the frequency spacing that you want.
ADS will use interpolation to create additional steps that do not exist in your Momentum results.

volker thank u very much for this help...
I have another question :)

for example for two patch : I use the block s2p (look design)


I follow the steps ,but
I notice there is a difference between the graph (s11) given by momentum and the graph (s11) given by ads

look image


why there is this difference ? i work with the same dataset

thank u volker

Can you show S11 comparison in the Smith chart?



completely different

sorry and thnk u

Please show me the settings in the "interpolation" tab of the S2P block.

And please check the S2P file in a text editor, to see how many frequency points it has.

I think that you might have converted the wrong Momentum dataset (without the _a suffix), so that you have only a few EM simulated datapoints and the not the full (interpolated) data from Momentum. If this is your problem, the S2P file will only have a few frequency points (the actual EM simulated frequencies).


text file

I hope this is the txt file thant you want , because it contains a lot of numbers, if not, tell me what you want

volker thank u very very much

Maybe you misunderstood my question.

I see your file and see it looks wrong. But I do not know if this is the file that I wanted to check. The file that I wanted to check is the input file that you used for the S2P block (converted from Momentum dataset).

Sorry for the delay, I went to a need...
I do not know which file you are talking...
me , i do this:
i go to block snp , and in browse , i choose (my_file.ds) format (dataset) and i lunch simulation ,

(my_file.ds) cann't be read directly , and (my_file.snp) can be read with text editor ...

if you see something let me know

thank u

waiting your answer

Now we have reached total confusion

Which exact file do you use for the S2P block ?
*.ds from Momentum or *.s2p created with the data file tool ?

I think you should use the Momentum *.ds file.
There are two *.ds files from Momentum.
You need to use the *.ds which includes interpolated data. I think this has suffix "_a" in the filename.

i used (*.ds) not (*_a.ds) thank u very much volker
but ,although this

1-we can move from representation block (snp) to representation momentum? schematic to layout give me nothing ...

2-where we can find (ASCII) for snp file , is there how i give you ? or no?

volker :) :)

merci beaucoup...

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