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E and H plane of antenna

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
hello friends

can anyone tell me about E plane and H plane of a patch antenna designed on hfss.
how can we say that this is the E plane among [xy yz xz] planes.?/
plz tell me about this


The E Plane, by definition, is the plane in which all the radiated electric field vectors are tangential to the plane and the H Plane is the plane where all radiated electric field vectors are perpendicular to the plane. So the E Plane and H Plane of an antenna will depend upon the coordinate system, the antenna orientation, and the type of antenna itself. Example: a half wave dipole oriented with the wire along the z axis will have the E plane in the Z-Y and Z-X planes ( or any other plane rotationally symmetric around the z axiz) and the H plane will be in x-y plane

Have Fun

what if antenna is placed along x axis? a same dipole antenna but it is folded

you have all the information needed to determine this from my first response :) Look it up or read up in an antenna handbook (google maybe)

Have Fun

ok thank u...

sometimes we know the answer but we want others to confirm it....to answer your question about what if antenna is placed along x axis, the E plane would be in the X-Z and X-Y planes and the H plane will be in Y-Z plane.

i have heard many times about the E plane but i want such a thing that how do we know it...? what is the theory behind it?

now you are just being facetious.

naumanhbk, there is not much theory behind it....

E-plane is the vertical plane or elevation plane.
H-plane is the horizontal plane or azimuth plane.

To make life easier for you, E-plane would be like holding a piece of paper vertically. H-plane would be like holding a piece of paper horizontally (or flat). Also, H-plane would be looking at radiation pattern from top-down view. E-plane would be like looking at radiation pattern as if the wave coming at you.
It's the same wave or radiation pattern....E-plane and H-plane is just looking at it from different angles.

This is how I understand it at least.

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