Active Z Parameter in HFSS
I need someone to confirm what I am doing is correct in HFSS. I have a 3-element phased array that have lumped ports. I impedance match all the sources using the re and im values in Active Z Parameter plot instead of the Z Parameter plot. Is this correct? I take it Active Z stands for the active input impedance of the array elements. HFSS documentation sucks!
could someone please answer this question?
Have you tried to google?
how do I use the Active Z value? Do I set the excitation magnitude of 1 port to 1W and the rest to 0 and then read the Active Z re and im values for it, then move to next port and set to 1W and the rest to 0 and repeat for all ports,
or do I just excite all ports at same time and read their Active Z re and im values?
Vielen Dank.
Unfortunately, I don't know. Have you asked Ansoft support?