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Energy based extraction parameters

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I want to extract the LCRG parameters of a structure based on a method established by S.Otto & Al. in the article "An Energy-based Circuit Parameter Extraction Method for CRLH Leaky Wave Antennas".

In simulation, i've used PMC wall (Perfect H), periodic boundaries (Master & Slave) and PML box. My first objective is to get the shunt and the series resonances frequencies (23.88 GHz, 25.30 GHz) from which i can get all the LCRG parameters.

Unfortunately this was not the case, so i need some help please.

Solution type is eigenmode.
Minimum frequency is 20 GHz.
Initial Mesh Options is 0.2
This is the project done by HFSS v 14.0
Energy-Based Extraction.rar

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