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Description of the supercell method

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
please all:
i am new user of plane wave method. i know that it uses supercell method to calculate the bandgap diagram for photonic crystal fiber.
could any one expalin to me this method or seggest me a resource for this methid.


I used both supercell methd and plane wave method in my master thesis. If you give your e-mail adress I can send my master thesis. It contains some information about both method. I think it helps.

Thanks alot ksevim
my email is:
i will wait your reply

i want to analyse defects in photonic band gap structure using supercell method. Plz give me any thesis or book for the same. i will be highly obliged to you. my email is: riashu.singh@gmail.com

me too lucentlhh(at)gmail.com

me pls

hello ! can you please send me any thing that can help me on supercell method like the books and your thesis! thanks.
iuc.student AT yahoo.com


Please, I also use the supercell method and I find difficult to programme it
can you please send me code and any thing to help me?! thanks.

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