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Conical Horn Antenna example in HFSS manual - can you get same result as in manual?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
In the manual for HFSS 14, which Ansys have not updated since version 11, there is an example of a conical horn antenna. (Pages 5.2-1 to 5.2-18). I've tried to do this example, but have hit a couple of problems. One of which is that the results I get for the radiation plot are not the same as in the example. I'm not sure if this is just minor differences due to the changes in HFSS between version 11 and 14, or whether I have done something wrong, and have got the wrong result. The differences are in the sidelobes and backlobes, so are well down on the peak. As far as I can tell, the peak gain is the same as in the manual.

Here's the diagram from the HFSS manual - page 5.2-18

and here is what I see on my computer.

There are a couple of other issues I have with this example in the manual:

  1. On page 5.2-13, it describes how to add a wave port. But it says "Polarize E field Checked". But there is no box where I can tick this. I thought the whole purpose of the integration line was to define the direction of the E field, so I'm puzzled that this option ever existed.
  2. Again on page 5.2-13, when defining the wave port, the PDF manuals says to set the number of modes on port p1 to 2, then set an integration line for the first mode. But nothing is done for the second mode. Is this correct? I'm puzzled the mode has no integration line.

If someone with HFSS 14, could try this example, I'd be interested what you get. Do you get the same result as in the manual?

Does anyone know why Ansys have not updated the PDF manual since version 11? It seems a very unprofessional thing to do, for what is clearly a professional piece of software. Developers of most open-source software keep their documentation more up to date than Ansys.

上一篇:Conducted noise doubt

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