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Multi-core simulation for HFSS 14?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

I just added the support for multi-core simulation to my HFSS license file. It now supports 8 processors/cores. I changed the corresponding settings in HFSS option/solver to 8 processors. If I put 9 processors there, the license server will complain, so I guess the setting and license server are configured correctly.

But when I actually run a simulation, the CPU usage remains at 10%, and the simulation speed is almost exactly the same. When I run a parametrics scan of around 50 points, the "solving" is always 1 (I expected it to be 8). I mainly solve eigenvalues, so the most time-consuming program is eigen.exe. Is it just my wrong-doing, or is it that eigen.exe does not support multi-thread/core/processor?

Does anyone know?

My machine:

Intel i7 8 threads with 32 GB RAM
Windows 7 enterprise X64
HFSS 14.0.1

Many Thanks!

Eigen.exe (the eigensolver) doesn't seem to utilize multi-processing itself, but it calls solver.exe. The latter utilizes multi-processing in the beginning and, later, solver.exe is called for other things, and I don't see it utilizing multi-processing then.

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Not all problems or numerical algorithms can be splitted for multi-cpu. They are solved on one cpu!

That's true. But the program should be able to separate parametrics to different CPUs, so that each CPU can solve its own problem, right? Now HFSS only solves one parametric problem at one time, on one out of eight cores. I don't see a reason why the computer cannot solve 8 independent problems simultaneously...

HFSS can do this, the licensing option to accomplish these simulations is different that the multiprocessing license. The multiprocessing license allows for multiple cores to be utilized (if possible) to solve a single variation of a simulation. The Distributed Solve Option (DSO) allows for multiple variations of a project to be solved over multiple cores simultaneously (or external machines in a cluster). At least this is how I understand it based upon our licensing here.

Have Fun

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