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How to plot electric far field -- angular plot color coded (theta, phi) using gnuplot

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have an electric field distribution (far field) :

value theta phi

I was wondering how to plot in a polar/angular. It should look like figure 2.23 on page 62 of
Help how to plot it using matlab is also appreciated but this may be more complicated.

Thank you for your help in advance.

I was messing around with this a few years ago, and found a package that someone had created to plot log/dB scale on a polar chart in Matlab. I don't recall which package I used, but there are bound to be many out there, and Google agrees.

Start here: Google search results for "Matlab plot polar dB"
, and try a few packages. See if one works better than another.

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