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[REQUEST] RF multirange block circuit

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi friends,

I wish build a RF circuit to block a wide range of frequencies, basically :

Somebody could give some sugestion about how to do that ?
It is not problem, if will be needed to use many antenas at same case.

The range in wich will be used is about 4m.


If you need to block each of the bands, find the design of band-reject filters and use it. If you need to reject all of the above bands at once, the best is to use a combination of high- and low-pass filters like those used in cable TV to reject wide band signals.
To do any of the above you must specify the degree of rejection in dB.


What is needed exactly is design a circuit able to interfere in reception of all equipments in a range of 4 meters from the target point.
I was thinking about to generate a set of neighbor carriers with low Q factor, and mix in order to block all those bands.

Is thap approach correct, or there are other ways to reach the result ?


I still do not see what you exactly need. If you want to introduce interfering signals into existing equipment, there is a methodology for it by CISPR, google it. Otherwise, use my above advice.

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