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FDTD 3D code for breast cancer

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

need help with the FDTD code for breast cancer detection in 3D using MATLAB.

It will be of great help.


Why is the need so urgent? Do you really believe you are going to get some code in the morning and detect tumors in the afternoon? I know people who have worked on breast cancer detection for years, so I find it a bit bizare of the urgency for your need. It's a topic people do Ph.Ds in - not something one does quickly.


thats what you get for leaving your research to the last minute.


See if you can improve on the memory management speed with dual porting and improved boundary condition models.

When you put 'urgent' in your header... I immediately do not care about anything but berating you for ignorance. Just ask your question...

Have Fun

It's the same here. I just think the person is nieve to think that putting "URGENT" in the title will get a faster response.

It seems especially silly for this request as this is a very complicated inverse problem. It would be less silly if someone wanted help using a 555 timer IC urgently, though like you, seeing "URGENT" in the title will make me less likely to reply.


I am sorry :(

I had not intended to come across in the manner you think. Have solved the 2D case and wanted help with 3D. I know the importance of the research and I am not ignorant about the same.

Thanks a lot for the response.

An important aspect of of social communication in professional work is to request in a polite, humble or enthusiastic manner with an intelligent question, when asking for others to help with their generosity and gracious to those who did. Be aware that a red flag always gets any bullish attention.

Hi platinum234,

I hope this finds you well. I am working with the similar research topic with you and also facing a challenging problem, which is the FDTD codes of Breast cancer detection. Could you please share your 2D FDTD case codes with me? Many thanks and look forward to your response.

Best regards,


3D FDTD code can be found in many places, C++/Fortran/Matlab as you wish. However, when you mention about breast cancer detection, you need not only FDTD code. How do you model the breast model? Typically it requires voxel data directly measured from MRI. You need to have sufficient code to handle such kind of data and its not trivial. Other concern is your source? In order to detect the cancer with EM waves, you can not put a dipole source or planewaves there and boom, found it. You need reversal imaging algorithm to be able to reconstruct the image.

So I agree with all the above replies, you are asking a human-wide challenging problem rather than some codes. And just FYI, you might find something in this link a bit helpful, since its a image of a woman's breast model (Real MRI data converted to voxel, so its kinda real, but the data is measured from a dead sample, not living bodies, so its still not the perfect one).

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