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HFSS dipole antenna (frequency range 2-18GHZ)!!!!!!

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello people!
I'm trying to create a dipole antenna at 2-18GHz, but i have some questions.

Is there a rule to follow on setting : 1)the dipole radius?
2)the source rectangle?
3) the dimensions of the cylinder (of air) on which i will assign radiation?
how to take lambda?
how to assign value to GAP_SRC and other properties?like Res_length,dip_length,radiation_height,radiation_r ad?

On what basis we take there values and what should b the position of axis?

P.S. I'm using HFSS v12!

Thanks in advance

2Ghz~18Ghz is a very large bandwidth,you have to divide frequency range to many sections(for example,2Ghz~6Ghz,6Ghz~10Ghz,.....) to simulate it.
In each section the solution frequency is the highest frequency.
The air dimension is quarter wave length of the lowest frequency in the section.
The radius of dipole must be <0.1 wavelength.

What sort of dipole are you talking of? If you take a standard dipole, and cut it for resonance at one frequency the input impedance and radiation pattern will change dramatically, and its hard to see how you will be able to make use of it. Also, for a standard dipole, HFSS is a bit over the top.

Making elements larger in diameter increases bandwidth, but you wont get 2-18 GHz with any reasonable input impedance.

Why do you need such a bandwidth?


i can take shorter bandwidth...bt how i will manage parameters according to dat?

A half-wave dipole with have an impedance which is easy to match to 50 Ohms. In contrast, if you double the frequency, the impedance will be very high. As you go to higher frequencies, there will be a huge change in impedance, and the radiation pattern will be all over the place.

You might want to investigate a log-periodic antenna.

You need to specify what your actual requirements are. You say you want 2-18 GHz, then say you can take a shorter (I assumed you mean reduced) bandwidth.


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