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Opinions on SEMCAD performance

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi all,i want to share with any buddy concern with semcad
i think it much powerful than cst,xfdtd and zeland,all from my point view

Hi abdoeng

You are true
i have this soft it is very well
but do now i have not example for semcad

i hope you send me examples and also it's human model
if you can
this my e-mail


dear abdoeng
if possible kindly send me some material in this regard I have so much problem with this software

Dear addtok,

I am experienced SEMCAD X user. I will try to help you if you let me know your problems.

Best wishes,

Is it true that semcadx better than cst, xfdtd, hfss, and zeland?

What is the different between semcadx with others?

Hi freqzt,

Better? It would be meaningful to compare FDTD based software with other FDTD based softwares. And it would be meaningful to compare softwares in terms of applications. I would say SEMCAD X is better than CST and XFDTD in terms of, for example, speed, handling of complex structures (size of computational domain, number of objects), grid generation, optimization, etc. In terms of applications for example, HFSS is strong in some areas where SEMCAD X (or other time domain solvers) is not efficient in terms of simulation time.

Please check their web pages to see the differences. You can ask for a demo CD and test it yourself.

Best wishes,

Hi abdoeng
I have some problems with SEMCAD,too.If you have some valuable material,PLS send some to me,thank you.
My E-maildz0418@163.com

Hi abdoeng,
Can you share them with me, and I just want to study the powerful software. Thank you!

The mail:chaiyanjie2005@163.com

hi.... I am just starting new with SEMCAD X and would be immensely helpful if anyone could upload or send some tutorials to the mail a123priya@gmail.com

Thank you in advance....

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