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master slave boundaries hfss

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Usually PEC or PMC is used in simulation to take advantage of symmetry property, so I'm not sure whether they are equivalent to PBC. Maybe only when the unit cell itself has certain symmetry.

Look forward to your reply!

For the normal incidence you can simply assign two parallel sides of the unit cell as Perfect E and the other parallel sides as Perfect H. This enables you to model infinite periodic boundary conditions.

I just want to know how to change the incident angle of plane wave in floquet port.

You can change the incident angle by adjusting the Phase Delays in the Floquet Port properties. The phase delays are Phi and Theta, and you can put them as variables (or design properties). Just have a look tot the attached image.

Let me know if it works.


thanks for your reply,
I don't understand what are the values i have to give for "phip and thetap".
Suppose for 15° incident angle what are the values of "Phip and Thetap"


Theta and Phi denote the angles in spheric coordinate system. In such a case, the angles would be defined as thetap = 15 deg, and phip = 0 deg or 90 deg, depending if your incidence is along x or y axis.


Thank you very much for your suggestions,
Now i am going to run the program,
I will let you know the status.


The way you are exciting SRR...........Is it correct? Because to excite SRR axial magnetic field should give.

As ozgur_io suggested, if you simply want to track S11 and S21 of a metamaterial structure (retrieval method or called homogenization). The typical setup is PEC on top and bottom (Z+-) and PMC on side walls (Y+-) with a normal incident wave (X+-). With this you pretty much can capture all characteristics of your structure.

Periodic BC simply ensure that the X- field = X+ BC and vise versa. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodi...ary_conditions). This is only applicable when you know for sure that your field is periodic. NOTE that periodic structure does not necessarily means periodic field. When field is not periodic but the structure is, then floquet BC must be used to add a phase shift to each cell when applying the BC.

上一篇:how to find out the Co and cross polarization of the corrugated horn using hfss

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