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Booster Amplifier EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier) using Optisystem

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am currently doing simulation about Booster Amplifier EDFA software for my final year project.
My objective of doing this project is construction of low noise and high output power of Booster Amplifier EDFA.
I have done the simulation since last year by doing some tutorials from internet but I can?t get the correct result.
Could you please help and guide me for solution.
Here, I listed several problems which can?t be solved:
1) The ASE spectrum of EDFA did not appear as a result when I simulate the diagram as attach in file 1.docx. Could you please check my diagram, whether correct or not and also please guide me for a solution.
2) Can you explain how to get the ASE spectrum of EDFA without input and signal?
3) Could you please check for me the diagram as attach in file 2.docx to achieve the objective.
· Gain vs wavelength
· Noise figure (NF) vs wavelength
· Output power vs wavelength
· Gain vs input power
· Noise Figure (NF) vs input power

Your co-operation is most appreciated. Thank you. Don't hesitate to give me feedback. Hope you can reply my email as soon as possible.

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