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Fm transmitter simulation using Lt Spice

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am not so familiar with Lt spice simulation tool but all the engineers are recommending this tool for simulation....

Is it possible to do any FM transmitter circuit simulation with Lt spice?
I tried it at once but it doesn't work. What's your advise?

You need to do something to start the oscillation e.g.
- Apply a short pulse to the circuit somewhere.
- Set an initial condition.
- Have the power supply switch from zero to the required voltage at t=0.

Thanks for the reply... I have doubts...
Short pulse? is it input signal enough?
Initial conditions... is it for input or signal

I tried with this circuit.....


You added a voltage source at the base with average = 0, so you override your bais. Best is to first simulate the oscillator, so remove the voltage source (that is not equivalent to making it zero). As this is a relative low Q circuit, it should start rather fast

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