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Metamaterial unit cell simulation with Floquet Port and periodic boundary condition

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Any one able to correct this setup of metamaterial unit cell with periodic boundary condition and floquet port. What should be the size of the airbox. And what should be the orientation of unit cell. And What should be the criteria to choose the scan angles for phi and theta. And How we can run metamaterial unit cell with periodic boundary simulations in a fast sweep in hfss 13.

Hi sc4rppph,

As a disclaimer, I don't use Floquet ports, but the setup looks correct to me as far as I know (HFSS 13). For the master/slave boundaries, you probably just want to use the specified phase angle rather than theta/phi for square structures. To get the dispersion diagram, set the phase angle of Slave X to a variable AngleX and phase angle of Slave Y to variable AngleY. Using Brillouin zone notation, Gamma to X is SlaveY = 0 and SlaveX varies from 0 to 180 degrees.

I really need some help with HFSS in designing Metamaterial Spiral Antenna. I've done some designs in HFSS following a journal paper but I'm getting slightly different results. Using the capacitance & inductance values given in the journal paper, i'm getting a bandgap in the dispersion diagram even though they got no bandgap. I'm pretty sure i'm doing something wrong in the settings or something. If you are free, can u pls take a look at my files. My email is ihos2@student.monash.edu
The journal paper is doing rectangular spiral antenna & I'm trying circular spiral. I tried the unit cell's dispersion diagram for both rectangular & circular. Both of them were supposed to give same results but both are giving a band gap. So I changed the capacitance & inductance values until i got a smooth graph with no bandgap. but the bandwidth is narrower. I've attached the files for circular ones bcoz i've lost the rectangular ones.MTM spiral.rarDual-band Counter Circulary Polarized Radiation from a Single arm metamaterial based spiral ante.pdfWeek 8 Progress Report.pdf

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