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microstrip patch antenna in HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Can anyone help me with rectangular patch antenna .hfss file. I am beginner in HFSS. This shall make learning easy.

A rectangular patch antenna is not too hard.
Look for HFSS tutorial like http://www.cnam.umd.edu/anlage/HFSSv10UserGuide.pdf

A model of a patch antenna can be found in http://www.emtalk.com/mwt_mpa.htm

If you search this thread (page# 6) you'll find a tutorial on microstrips using HFSS.


just make use of hfss help and examples, its best way to start !

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just make use of hfss help and examples, its best way to start !

Thanks All.
I took your advise and went thro the manual. I am now facing problems in analysis.
1. I have made a small 2D rectangle in the yz plane just below the inset feed, 50ohm line. I have now used this as the face for excitation as lumped port.
My air box doesnt touch the patch. it is lamda-by-four length away frm the ground.
Yet I get these errors:

1.Adaptive Passes did not converge based on specified criteria.
2. When I analyze the sweep and wish to get RL, the error is"St is not a function name.

Please help..

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Thanks All.
I took your advise and went thro the manual. I am now facing problems in analysis.
1. I have made a small 2D rectangle in the yz plane just below the inset feed, 50ohm line. I have now used this as the face for excitation as lumped port.
My air box doesnt touch the patch. it is lamda-by-four length away frm the ground.
Yet I get these errors:

1.Adaptive Passes did not converge based on specified criteria.
2. When I analyze the sweep and wish to get RL, the error is"St is not a function name.

Please help..

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Thanks All.
I took your advise and went thro the manual. I am now facing problems in analysis.
1. I have made a small 2D rectangle in the yz plane just below the inset feed, 50ohm line. I have now used this as the face for excitation as lumped port.
My air box doesnt touch the patch. it is lamda-by-four length away frm the ground.
Yet I get these errors:

1.Adaptive Passes did not converge based on specified criteria.
2. When I analyze the sweep and wish to get RL, the error is"St is not a function name.

Please help..

1- in solution set up increase adaptive pass number
2-did u defined frequency sweep? explain more please

1. right-click on the setup in your Analysis menu. select 'Convergence'. You can take a look at the Max. Mag. Delta S. Let us know how much this and how many passes have been used. You can either increase the maximum number of passes (or) increase the maximum acceptable delta S.

2. What is your solution type: Driven Terminal or Driven Modal ? Remember to choose the appropriate type when creating the reports. 'Create Terminal Solution Data Report' (or) 'Create Modal Solution Data Report'

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