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HFSS Field Calculation

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I need to find the expression: (Hρ-jHφ)/√2
this is right hand circularly polarized H field(H+). I did not find how to do that in hfss.
can anybody help?thanks.

Hello Haydar,

You can use the Field Calculator.
Right click field overlays and then choose "Calculator"
Type in the expression inside out (like an HP calculator)

You can integrate on a surface and then add it as a new variable.
Once it has a name you can plot it just like S parameters.
Alternativly you can export the result on a fixed space grid and load it into another program.


hi itai
thanks for your reply.
I did not get how to write expression. For example, if need to add magnitude of E field, I can add it from the list and it writes as
should I write the expression for rho and phi components of E field from the Ex,Ey,and Ez?
is there any example for non-defined functions? it may help.
thanks a lot.

Should be no Problem using the Field Calculator. However it's quite confusing to use at the beginning. Send your Email adr. to me an i'll send you the "Field Calc" Cookbook.


Field calc File.

How to calculate the electric field value on a point?


I'm sure many people want to know the same thing: how to measure |E| at a point.

Please post here what you have found out for others to benefit from it.

My question is: if I use the lumped port, does it matter how long is the arrow I draw?

Thank you very much.

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how to calculate the average values ​​of electric field as a function of frequency (that is to say, how to create a loop to calculate the average values ​​of electric field as a function of frequency) and thank you.

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