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[HFSS] Finding the Resonant Frequency and Q-factor of a planar resonator. Eigenmode ?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello all,

I'm pretty new to HFSS and I want to simulate a planar resonator that has a specific resonant frequency (200MHz) and a specific Q-factor. My goal is to find the optimal pattern for my resonator to have that 200MHz rf (maybe have the Power vs frequency plot for different pattern), to know which current I should applied to get this and at last maybe simulate the 3D magnetic field it gives.

The problem is ... I'm new to HFSS and a little bit lost with all those "Solution Types" and "Analysis Setups".

I've already made a rough model of my resonator and now I'm at the "simulation part" ... if any of you know how to do this, I would really appreciate to have tips, clues or training to achieve my goal.

Possible questions which you could answer to help :

Which Solution Type should I use ? eigenmode, terminal, modal, transient ? (With eigenmode we can't assign any boundaries nor sources of current)
Should I assign a wave port or only a current source ?
How can I get the optimal pattern ? Is there any ways to iterate diffrent patterns of my model and get the best one ?

Well ... pretty much a guide on how to simulate in HFSS would help ...

I tried to read the Help and their "Getting Started Guides" but I found that it doesn't explain so well, it only gives a "step-by-step" guide of how to do something without explaining each step.

If I get any tips I would really really apprize !

Thank you

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