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hfss periodic boundary condition

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

I want to simulate the transmission (S21) of a unit cell (metamaterial) using HFSS. People generally uses periodic boundary conditions. But in HFSS i cannot see this type of boundary condition. I think I should use Master/Slave boundaries but I cannot apply them. Can you please help me?

hi i suggest to use ansoft designer,it is suitable for fss or metamterial,could pls upload ur structure,ur substrate,thick,epsr?may i help?

Thank you. I am afraid i do not have ansoft designer. I am posting the file. I want to excite the structure with a plane wave and I want to measure S21 and S11. I think an air box should also added for the structure bu I am not sure. I simulated with PEC and PMC boundries but now I want to see the results with peridic boundary conditions. Thank you already for your help.

hi metaman,i see u interested in metamaterials,it will be my thesis address,i ask about ur substrate thick,epsr,ur band ,what is the angle of polarization,are u have any thesis interested in metamaterial could help me

Hi Abdoeng

There is one Ph.D. thesis at


i hope it will help you.

My substrate thickness is 1.6 mm with epsr=3.9. I want to simulate between 1-10 GHz. I want to excite with a plane wave. I need parallel polarization, direction of H vector will be perpendicular to the SRR plane. If you can open my file you may see the configuration.

hi metaman the link u write not work,if u have it pls tell me at my email:jamywood4000@yahoo.com,or by pm

Hi, you can find what you need at http://www.emtalk.com/

there is a tutorial on metamaterial

For the normal incidence you can simply assign two parallel sides of the unit cell as Perfect E and the other parallel sides as Perfect H. This enables you to model infinite periodic boundary conditions.

You have an example in this link https://www.edaboard.com/viewtopic.p...&highlight=amc, applying the double PMC - double PEC boundary conditions, very usual for metamaterials. This only works for normal incidence, but the simulation is very fast, and gives you an initial approximation. Further studies involve the applicatio of Master/Slave BC.



hi,here link could help u in ur simulation in hfss

Thank you for your interests. I have already tried with PEC and PMC combination. The setup is working but the results are a little bit different from the papers that use periodic boundary conditions. I want to try also with the periodic BCs. I use two pairs of master and slave boundaries for the side walls. I use 2 radiation boundaries for the remaining boundaries; one is FSS reference and the rest is radiation boundary (radiating only). I use incident plane wave but S21 results are illogical. what is wrong with my setup?

By the way, Abdoeng you may check


there is a thesis in the download section. i hope it will work.

thanks metaman, it is one of essance ws

You may want to check out EM Explorer at http://www.emexplorer.net/

It has a free tool for periodic boundary condition and arbitrary incident angle


I also use slave-boubdary conditions th way is described.
Can somebody explain more or upload paper relative to use magnetic or perfect electric wall combination?
Where can i read more about that?

I am now try to simulate metamaterial using periodic BCs.The S21 results are also illogical.Do you know the wrong with your setup? Could you point it to me?

Added after 47 minutes:

Who can upload examples on metamaerials using master/slave boundary conditions?
Thanks a lot.

master/slave is very simple.
just select two walls and then assign the master/slave boundaries to each one (separately, one by one)
I have a question,

how to plot dispersion diagram in hfss?

I completed your model. After simulation and sweeping you can read out S11 and S21 from the matrix data. Port1 is above zero, the wave propagating downwards.

Oh, I just saw your request was from march.
Anyway, I think it will help someone...

It is very help! I will try to simulate it myself!

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