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Calculation of eddy current force generated in a rotating ferromagnetic material.....

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
How to calculate Eddy current force generated in a rotating ferromagnetic material in D.C. magnetic field which exerting a pulling force on rotor about 2000 N.

Eddy currents are generated by varying magnetic fields in a conductor and not primarly related to ferromagnetic material. You should clarify the specific role of ferromagnetism in your question. The second part of the question isn't well understandable.

For an exact calculation of eddy currents and it's generated forces in a non-trivial geometry, you probably want to use a finite element solver tool.

Thank for your reply!
I have a doubt that, whether eddy currents exists in a rotor which is rotating in a DC magnetic field or not?
Can we create a strong pulling force on a rotor in a particular direction by using AC magnetic field?
i am attaching a figure, please check it. ../imgqa/eboard/EM/EM-c00npkl33c0.jpg
in that,
i want to create a magnetic pulling force on a rotor which is rotating at high speeds. what type of supply i have to use? AC or DC?

The eddy currents in a rotating cylinder or disc will primarly act against the rotation speed and decelerate it, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddy_current_brake.I don't see an obvious option to generate a pulling force.

Yeah! if it is AC excitation obviously there will be eddy currents irrespective of it motion or speed!
How about, when its rotating in constant DC excited magnetic field? Eddy currents are generated in this case?

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