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hfss flat coil analysis

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am making my first steps in hfss and want to calculate Q and L of known coil in order to understand the process.
my coil is a very simple flat coil:
this coil is a flat coil, known dimensions and properties. I have read the hfss spiral coil help file and did the same just with this coil.
instead of designing round corners I mad it sharp (rectangular coil with same dimensions - I belived it would change the result slightly).
the problem is that I am getting 100-300uH inductance instead of 10uH in around 125Khz....

I noticed that when I changed the ground (the rectangular cube where I connected the 2 ports of the coil to) size it also changed my inductance - this tells me that something is wrong.... why is it what am I doing wrong?

additional info - even when I did a ring ground as in the example the result was far from reality - I know it because the Rsestance that I can calc pretty easy was far from real...
what can be the reasons for such wrong simulation?
thanks for any help.

does anyone have working coil simulation of round cross section coil so I can see what am I doing wrong?

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