BALUN Simulation on HFSS
Has someone found one? Thank you...
I did not get your specification . explain in detail, of what you want.
I am sorry, I was not more clear.
For education purpose I am looking for an example of a dipole or monopole
simulation where the antenna is feed by a coaxial directly, in others words
no BALUN. This in order to show the external current in the conductor and
consequently the need for a BALUN. Then show the BALUN design or preferebly
a gamma feeding where the external current is minimized.
I tried to do something like that but I could use some guidelines or pointers or
better yet a design(simulation).
Thank you for your answer.
jallem - although i dont have either of these to share, they are quite simple to build and simulate. why not simulate what you have described - the coax fed dipole then simply add a balun to that and compare the results you are looking for?
are you familiar with balun design?
hi plz help me simulating a balun in HFSS. i dont knw how to make it! thanks
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