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HFSS: simulating nonuniform magnetization with Maxwell

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
We've got a Maxwell license and I am trying to simulate the ferrite (YIG) core with nonuniform magnetization.

I just don't get how to do it.

In HFSS on microwaves I set μHFSS=1, because actually

, where the Polder tensor is calculated inside HFSS using Ms, ω ΔH, etc..

But in Maxwell it doesn"t work with Magnetostatic solver. Setting 1 means just transparrent dielectric object, like there's nothing. And demagnetizing effects are not taken into account.

There are examples for permanent magnets with coercive field embedded, but no good and simple explanation how to set up a magnetized non-coercive ferrite core for link with HFSS.

Only thing told is that Maxwell project may be created automatically upon accessing linking dialog. But it doesn't. It seems, HFSS v12 and v13 don't have such function anymore (maybe some older than v9 did)

Can you help me with setup?

I use normal H and tangent H boundaries for environment box to set the external field H.

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